Two weeks ago a 9.0 earthquake struck Japan, resulting in a devastating tsunami which has left the country, and the world, facing not only the immediate effects of a natural disaster, but an impending nuclear crises as well. For us here, it can be all too easy to feel as though these issues are beyond our control and that there is little we can do to help. Yet we must remember that whether we are one mile apart or continents away from one another, we are all connected in this diverse world. And we can use this connection to affect global change.
In our yoga practice we are always growing and moving forward. We have the opportunity to confront the things that scare us and then rise to change. It is this response, this rise to change things for the better, that can help make a difference in our life and, ultimately, the world. That is why there is much we can do here, thousands of miles away from Japan.
There is still room to join Gina, Huck & Jamie tonight as they co-teach the first of two yoga benefits for relief efforts in Japan (the second is scheduled for April 23rd). The 2-hour class will feature energetic power flow sequences and mindful meditation to cultivate this connection with oneself and the rest of the world. It is open to all levels. Together, our collective energy and support can affect positive change that will help heal!
Yoga Jam for Japan
Saturday, March 26
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Suggested minimum donation: $25
All donations raised will go to the Red Cross. We hope to see you tonight!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Jammin' for Japan tonight!
Posted by Mighty Yoga at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: American Red Cross, benefits of yoga, donation, Japan
Monday, March 14, 2011
Benefit class for Japan later this month!
Our hearts go out to the survivors of the recent disaster in Japan. To raise more support for the relief efforts in the region, Mighty Yoga is hosting a benefit class later this month. Please join us for a 2-hour Yoga Jam for Japan Saturday, March 26th, which will feature several Mighty instructors. More details to come!
Posted by Mighty Yoga at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: donation, Japan, studio news
Friday, March 4, 2011
AcroYoga starts today! Plus this month's newsletter is out!
Yep, we said it all in the title! We're thrilled to be hosting our 2nd set of AcroYoga workshops starting tonight, 7:30pm! We've still got room, so if you've been wondering what it feels like to fly about 4 feet off the floor (give or take or foot, of course), join us for one or all workshops! Tonight is the Community Class, a great intro to the practice that brings yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage together as one!
Posted by Mighty Yoga at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: acrobatics, AcroYoga, studio news, thai massage