Friday, September 27, 2013

What deepening your yoga practice means to Zainab

By Zainab Zakari

The phrase “deepen your practice” is tossed around yoga classes a lot (my own included).  It can sound like a rather lofty aim, but I believe it’s only meant to alert us to that moment when we realize yoga is not just a bunch of physical poses strung together, but it can evolve into a multi-nuanced path that goes underneath the surface layer and into the proverbial rabbit hole.  You might wonder why one needs to go into the hole, to find what? Well, it’s not what actually, but who, and that who is you. 

Yoga invites us to develop greater self-awareness to more wisely navigate life and all its curveballs. Among the skills the Yoga Sutras offer to cultivate this self-knowledge is through the practice of svadhyaya, translated as self-study.  When we study anything that engages and enriches our minds about ourselves—from exploring our personal histories to observing our current tendencies—we also gain greater understanding about how we fit into the world. In its most literal translation, svadhyaya often refers to reading spiritual texts or scriptures to learn about oneself, but that definition can expand to include any practice that encourages the practitioner to more deeply reflect upon the layers within his or her life, whether it comes through meditation, journaling or asanas on the yoga mat. With time this continuous self-inquiry can not only offer a broader sense of self, but it can also help us make more mindful decisions, and perhaps chart a path we can consistently be nurtured by.

In my classes, I strive to offer multiple ways to deepen your practice, whether it’s by physically trying a challenging variation of a pose or if it’s sharpening your awareness of your breath in a familiar pose or movement or if it is staying still to meet any of your inner critics head on.  All are ways of challenging what you know by being willing to dive a teensy bit into the unknown, and all can help you deepen your connection to, you guessed it, you.

Deepening your practice is not limited to just these methods, of course, and I encourage you to chart your pathways as you see most fit and effective for you.  The other Mighty teachers and I are here to support.  And I’m honored to be a part of a couple of upcoming workshops that encourage you to deepen your practice your way, from an invigorating Grace & Strength workshop  with Liz on Oct. 19th to the six-week wellness program (i.e. challenge) with Gina called Living Yoga, starting Oct. 20th.  Plus we’ve also got Huck’s Power, Breathe and Flow on Oct. 5th and Liz’ 3-class Intermediate Yoga Series starting Oct. 26th.  All of these special offerings kick off this month (what a month, right?!), and we hope you’ll explore some of them to get to know yourself all the more.   Happy self-study time!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Introducing our newest Mighty Teacher! Meet Kat Loeck

We’re super excited to be introducing our newest teacher who’s already been sharing her love for yoga with us during our Saturday Community class at 6pm. Kat hails from Nebraska, then took a detour in Boston before she could call Ithaca her home. We couldn’t be more grateful for the sweet and powerful flair that she brings to her classes! Meet her in class on Saturdays at 6pm. Here’s a little from Kat:

How did you come to yoga?
I suppose that yoga found me in Kansas. About five years ago, I walked into a yoga studio completely by accident. (I don’t remember what I was looking for at the time, but it definitely was not yoga). The woman at the desk invited me to stay for the class that was about to start. 

What do you like about Power Yoga? 
It teaches me to tend the sacred fire.

How has your yoga changed since the first time you practiced?
Oh, wow. I started off practicing a very different style of yoga. When I started to understand the energetics of yoga and the subtle body, I discovered that vinyasa flow was a much better fit for my constitution. More than anything, I’ve learned how to breathe.

Why did you decide to teach yoga?
Through my travels and cycles, I’ve been blessed to know amazing teachers who have inspired me to be a stronger woman. I hope to pass this gift forward. 

Any tips for someone new to yoga? 
Keep a yoga mat open on the floor next to your bed. First thing in the morning, roll onto that mat and take
a few quiet minutes to start your day with fluid/creative movement.

What is your favorite pose or poses? Why? 
This changes each week. ☺ Half moon because I feel radiant. Skandasana because I feel like a tiger.  

What do you like to do off the yoga mat?
I’m a farmer ... and farming is what I love. When field work ends this winter, I look forward to making music, rock climbing and knitting. 

What fuels you?
Sun, soil and water.

What makes you Mighty?
Knowing when to be gentle and when to be fierce.