How did you come to yoga?
I started my yoga practice my sophomore year in high school when it was offered as a form of P.E.
What do you like about Power Yoga?
I love Power Yoga because regardless of whatever kind of day I've had, I can always come and breathe and sweat and work hard, and ultimately leave my frustrations on the mat.
How has your yoga changed since the first time you practiced?
My yoga has become a lot less about "perfecting" the postures and learning "trick poses". It's become so much more about understanding my body, listening to it, and responding to myself in a way that is honest and beneficial.
Why did you decide to teach yoga?
I decided to teach yoga because I felt it was time for me to explore a completely different facet of my being. All of my life I've identified myself as one thing, a singer. And I didn't realize it until recently, but I had all this passion built up for this other discipline as well, and that maybe it was time to explore what I could become as a yogi as well as a musician. I have so much love for this practice and it's helped me in ways I couldn't even begin to understand when I was 15, but if I could start to guide someone else on a similar journey then that's just another way to leave the world a better place. =)
Any tips for someone new to yoga?
Breathe, smile, take a child's pose, and have fun!
What is your favorite pose or poses? Why?
My favorite poses are any kind of inversions. So headstand, forearm balance, handstand, even just hanging out it forward fold! I just love feeling like the world looks completely different after you've looked at it upside down for a little bit.
What do you like to do off the yoga mat?
Off of the yoga, I love to sing, read, eat (a lot), go out with friends, and start shows on Netflix and watch nothing else until I've completed each season of that show.
What fuels you?
The feeling that comes after working really hard on something. Being too idle irritates me so I'm always chasing some project, some form of work.
Khalil Gibran says "Work is love made visible".
What makes you Mighty?
My mom.