A lot's a buzzing in 2013 already! A sweet rockin' New Year's Day class with Rachel raised more than $200 for the Africa Yoga Project! Then an impromptu yoga groovin' fest w/ Zainab & DJ HyFi on Friday!
And we're also EXCITED to introduce our newest teacher, Toni Hodge! She's been teaching around town, and we're thrilled she's joined the team. You can catch her subbing later this month and she'll be teaching regular classes in February when we roll out our 4th Annual February Challenge! In the meantime, meet this cool chica below!
Hello, Toni!
How did you come to yoga?
Toni: I came to yoga due to my deep interest in physical activities. I like to give everything a try, so while in college I gave it a chance, and just one class was all it took!
What do you like about Power Yoga?
I enjoy power yoga for the very purpose I think it serves, to ignite true empowerment from within myself to help guide me in taking action steps through the challenges in life.
How has your yoga changed since the first time you practiced?
A major notable change in my practice from the first time up until now I would have to say is the evolution of my emotions. How I process them, filter and channel them feels much more manageable and balanced.
Why did you decide to teach yoga?
I decided to teach yoga because it came natural to me, like I have been doing it since I was born!
Any tips for someone new to yoga?
I would say if you like power yoga and you are new to it, try it for at least 2 months before you stop! haha
What is your favorite pose or poses?
One of my favorite poses is warrior 2. It is quite simple, but I feel very strong and centered in my inner warrior when I am in it.
What do you like to do off the yoga mat?
I love traveling. I also enjoy good food with friends and hiking, of course!
What fuels you?
Yoga. Food. Friends. Meditation. Nature. Sometimes the right kind of music, too!
What makes you Mighty?
What makes me mighty.... the two words of the month are... Resilience and Perseverance.