Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What's your motivation for the new year?

In honor of the recent changes, from winter solstice to the holidays to embracing 2011, meditation expert Phillip Moffitt offers some tasty food for thought, asking about our motivations behind our those yearly resolutions. Feel free to check it out and discuss!

The Dharma of Life Changes, Yoga Journal

And with just three days away to another year, we'd love to see you New Year's Day in our benefit class for the House of Hope Initiative! All levels are welcome.

New Year's Day House of Hope Benefit
Saturday, January 1
1-3 PM
Suggested donation: $25

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holidays at Mighty & New Year's Day Donation Yoga

We're gearing up for the holidays! Mighty is offering a reduced holiday schedule from December 23rd through January 6th. Please visit our online schedule for specific class times.

Please note, the studio will be closed the following days:
December 24, Christmas Eve
December 25, Christmas Day
December 31, New Year's Eve

But do feel free to spend New Year's with us in our 2nd annual New Year's Day Benefit Class! Practice yoga and help raise funds for one of our ongoing causes, Uganda's House of Hope. Since our last donation class on the 4th of July, we've raised over $800 to help the Ugandan orphanage! Gina Newlin is teaching a 2-hour vinyasa flow to help detox and rejuvenate you for the new year. Need a fresh start to the new year? This is it!

To learn more about the House of Hope Initiative, check out our last blog entry or visit the House of Hope page on Facebook and the World Action for Humanity website. We look forward to seeing you there!

New Year's Day House of Hope Benefit
January 1, 2011
w/ Gina Newlin
1:00 - 3:00 PM
All Levels Welcome

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Flowing, Flying & Jamming this Friday!

Join us for Flow & Fly this Friday night, the last one offered in 2010! This dynamic class blends Yoga, Thai Massage and Acrobatics. You can explore more integrated sequences, inversions and partner acrobatics. It can turn your world upside down as demo'd by Zainab in Star! Joyful, playful, and a great workout! No partner required. All levels welcome.

And stay after class for our first ever Acro Jam! Jams are a great way to work on what you've learned in Flow & Fly or try new things with the support of a room full of playmates and spotters. We'll wrap up the festivities with the deliciousness of Thai bodywork and desserts of the sweets and wine variety. Whether this will be your first class or you've been a frequent flyer, it's sure to be an acrolicious evening! Bring friends!

Please note, the Acro Jam is free if you take Flow & Fly first or $5 at the door if you're only able to show up for the jam. We'd love to see you this Friday!

Flow & Fly
Friday, December 17, 2010
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Jam begins 9:15 PM

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stealing bad, self-care good!

This month's newsletter asks you to give to yourself during this frenzied time of year, by tuning in with one of the yamas (aka self-restraints), asteya or nonstealing. In a Yoga Journal blog post, an NYC yoga instructor offers a similar take on the concept. Feel free to check it out, then give yourself a treat! Perhaps a yoga class at the studio? =)

Enough is Enough, Yoga Journal