Friday, August 7, 2009

Confessions from a Yoga Instructor

By Erica Harris, Instructor at Mighty Yoga

If you think about it, it makes sense.

Any exercise program focuses on warming up our bodies before vigorous activity. The temperature of the yoga room is similar to our body's own temperature. This accelerates improvement in many of the benefits of your yoga practice.

Regular exercisers recognize that peak performance occurs when fully warmed up and your body generates heat from the inside radiating out and into your muscles.

On a personal experience I have noticed my students are able to get into poses they don’t general have the flexibility for.  When I do yoga in a heated room, especially a hot yoga room, I sweat a lot! Its probably a good idea to bring a towel and defiantly drink water before class, a little during, and a lot afterwards.  During class, I feel challenged by all the sweating and rewarded by the poses.  After class there is a sense of rejuvenation and detox.  When we sweat we are cleansing our bodies-I’ve even noticed healthier skin!

For my regular hatha style classes (Spark! Studio, TC3, and private yoga) I use the space to my advantage.  For example, the first 15 min. are crucial for warm up. So, don’t be surprised if we sweat a lot during that time.  Once we get to the balancing poses (about mid-way through the class) our bodies will natural start to cool themselves.  Another extremely important time to have a warm body is during our back posing sequences (bow, locus, wheel, bridge, etc.)  By the time we hit the floor in savasana our bodies are cooler and the fans or outside air comes on: and it feel AMAZING!

Mighty Yoga studio is unique in which we are able to control the temperature more accurately.  So when you arrive to your first class we are ready to go!  Be prepared to be challenged and amazed with what your body can do! How do you know if you can do power yoga at Mighty Yoga? "If you can sit down on the floor and get back up, then you can do Power Yoga!"